
Neptune Transits: 1st House

When Neptune transits the 1st house your need for transcendence and imagination influences your sense of self and appearance and how you approach life. Neptune inspires new dreams and dissolves old structures and represents your need to spiritualise and refine this area of your life.

When Neptune transits the 1st house it brings inspiration and confusion to the way you express yourself and present yourself to others, as well as your health and feelings of physical vitality. It also allows you to incorporate more Neptunian qualities into your identity and how you see life.

You may experience the dissolution of your old identity and feel unsure about who you want to be because Neptune blurs your boundaries so you can’t see yourself clearly. This can create a distorted view of reality which can leave you open to deception and disillusionment.

Your imagination may be heightened and you could channel this into creative work or receive a new vision of who you’d like to become. Not all these possibilities will be realistic and you may find that some of your dreams become real, while others lead to disappointment. But even if the way forward isn’t clear, you can develop greater faith in life by listening to the guidance of your deeper Self.

You may feel more sensitive to atmospheres and the feelings of others and could become aware of vulnerabilities in yourself that need healing. This encourages you to develop greater compassion and self-acceptance so you can become more whole. You can open your heart to life and the suffering of others and may express this through being of service in some way.

You could also have mystical experiences and spiritual insights that open your consciousness to transcendent levels of reality. These must always be grounded and integrated into your daily life or you could become lost in a fantasy world that leaves you open to exploitation by unscrupulous people.

You won’t necessarily feel confused or lost for the entire period of this transit but you may need to learn to live with uncertainty for a little while. You can deal with this by allowing yourself to drift and dream to discover who you want to become and learn to trust life to unfold the way it needs to.

Possibilities with Neptune transiting the 1st House:
  • Heightened imagination and creative potential
  • Spiritual breakthroughs and visionary insights
  • Exploring other realms using psychedelics
  • Increased psychic sensitivity
  • Helping people who are vulnerable or suffering
  • Increased faith in life
Watch out for:
  • Self-deception or being misled by others
  • Feeling helpless and lost
  • Addiction and escapism
  • Divine homesickness and depression
  • Low energy and hard to diagnose health issues
  • Martyring yourself or sacrificing too much
My notes:

Neptune transited my 1st house from 2002 to 2021, from age 32 to 50, when my identity slowly transformed from atheist to mystic. At the start of the transit I was depressed and drinking heavily in an attempt to escape the feelings that were seeping into my consciousness. I was dimly aware that I needed to accept the mystic/imaginative side of myself but was running away from it.

I had been meditating for years but felt stuck and frustrated with my lack of creativity. As Neptune crossed my Ascendent I was inspired to make changes and gave up the booze and started doing yoga. I briefly tried to reignite my love of music by experimenting with composing (something I had done before) but it didn’t really work.

I didn’t really know what I wanted to do and was struggling to meditate, looking for answers. Then along came my first satori which turned me inside out and set me on a totally new path. This wasn’t straightforward because I had to figure out how to integrate this new vision into my life – I was an extremely reluctant mystic.

Shortly after this, another flash of inspiration (thanks to Uranus opposite my Sun) started me writing. First came the dream of being a screenwriter until I got a glimpse of the reality of that vocation (not great). Then came the dream of getting published and I wrote my first novel, Addled, inspired by my experience of awakening.

That dream also got trashed by the realities of the marketplace and I decided to self-publish. More books followed and I began writing about astrology, something I had been studying since 1992 when Neptune was transiting my 12th house. This allowed me to step into my mystic identity more fully and stop pretending to be normal!

Throughout this period my dedication to spiritual practice wavered at times and there were dark night troubles that almost knocked me off the path completely. This may have been partly due to various health issues with my guts imploding due to colitis and tipping me into an early menopause.

By the end of the transit I was officially a crone and diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 49. But I was also able to finally accept being a mystic – possibly my true vocation as revealed when Neptune transited my 10th house when I was a child…

More: Neptune Transits

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