
Neptune Transits: 2nd House

When Neptune transits the 2nd house your need for transcendence and imagination influences your material resources, self-worth and values. Neptune inspires new dreams and dissolves old structures and represents your need to spiritualise and refine this area of your life.

When Neptune transits the 2nd house you may experience inspiration and confusion with your money and finances, how you earn a living, your possessions and resources, and feelings of security. You could earn a living from Neptunian professions, such as creativity and the arts, religion or spiritual work, healing, selling alcohol or drugs, or anything associated with water.

How this transit affects you will depend on your previous attitude towards money and possessions, your feelings of self-worth and what you value. You may dream of increasing your wealth or finding your ideal home or job and then become disillusioned when it fails. Or you could succeed in manifesting your dreams only to realise they don’t make you happy.

You may feel confused about how to earn a living or have unrealistic ideas about what’s possible. You could be too disorganised or unfocused or struggle with blurred boundaries that leave you open to deception over money. Be especially careful when signing contracts or making investments and don’t get involved in anything that promises the moon on a stick.

The point of this transit is to dissolve what has become too fixed or anything you’re too attached to. The more you cling to something because you think you need it for security, the more likely Neptune will dissolve it. Your worldly security may be undermined in order to awaken you to the source of your real security and self-worth – your deeper or higher Self.

This allows you to develop faith in life so you can trust that what you need will be provided. That doesn’t mean you have to give up all your worldly goods. Not holding onto something doesn’t mean you’ll lose it – you just carry it more lightly, with open hands instead of an iron grip.

Ultimately this transit is about spiritualising your values and attitude towards wealth. You won’t find transcendent bliss by accumulating more stuff or financial security. But you can find inner security by aligning with spiritual values. You can also develop Neptunian inner resources of compassion, sensitivity, spiritual insight, visionary imagination and mysticism.

Possibilities with Neptune transiting the 2nd House:
  • Searching for your dream home or job
  • Earning money from your imagination and creativity
  • Working as a healer
  • Developing your psychic sensitivity
  • Finding real inner security and self-worth
  • Letting go of unnecessary worldly attachments
Watch out for:
  • Disillusionment with worldly success
  • Confusion over money or work
  • Get-rich-quick schemes
  • Loss of money or possessions due to theft or deception
  • Self-sabotage that leads to loss
  • Loss of material security
My notes:

Neptune entered my 2nd house in 2021 and stays there until 2041, from age 50 to 70. This is a huge house in my chart because I use the Koch system so it runs from 20° Pisces to 5° Taurus with Aries intercepted, making a 20-year transit in total.

Neptune was actually sitting on the cusp of my 2nd house from April to August 2020 during the opening salvo of the covid madness when we had lockdowns, food shortages, and ‘free’ money being handed out. For me this created a bubble of delusion when the traffic to my website surged and drove an increase in donations and sales. It marked the start of a couple of years of growth that made me believe my financial situation was improving. A false hope, as it turned out.

In 2023 Google made an algorithm change that cut this site off at the knees and traffic halved overnight, followed by donations and sales. I’m now back to where I was about five years ago, limping along and feeling increasingly disillusioned with the entire enterprise. Neptune giveth and Neptune taketh away!

So now I’m searching for another job and coming up with all sorts of ideas for how to make more money. None of them seem very realistic and I don’t trust my judgement (Neptune is currently opposite my Mercury in the 8th house). It would be so much easier if I was willing to grift and tell people what they want to hear but unfortunately, I have principles.

The situation is forcing me to look at what I really value and where I put my faith. There’s an inner reckoning taking place and I don’t know where it leads. But it’s mirrored in my sudden desire to throw out all the crap I’ve accumulated over the years so I can travel lighter…

More: Neptune Transits

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14 thoughts on “Neptune Transits: 2nd House

  1. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for your post! It finds me sitting here wondering how the heck I’ll ever be able to handle this Neptne business more gracefully. Most people are blaming Saturn or Pluto for their hard times, but for me it’s really Neptune which has been menacing my 2nd house since 2006 and will be an unwelcome guest until 2029 – which is my mid-20s to 50, yay!

    I very much relate to your analysis about the giving and taking of monies and how it relates to finding your inner values. I do have to say though that I would have been totally fine with not making this particular growth experience. Years into this transit, I still feel deeply confused by the ups and downs of it. Regular financial gain seems to be elusive or happens for no particular reason at all. I did find some inner resources and am not as hung up about financial hard facts anymore, but fun it is not!

    Thank you for this post, especially for sharing your own experience. May you and others have a more positive time with ol’ Nep.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wow! re your situation. off to the nunnery with you! i often think this about myself for other reasons. i’ve issues like this on and off, i was thinking natal pluto in 2. i can’t wait for nep in 8 , where it’s been for a while, just moved to 9 now. i know you buddhist but may i recommend ACIM, it’s free online. i finally after decades, and giving up, and reading/watching about it for the last 2 years, started doing the workbook.

    wow! i wish i’d known to do the workbook first 35 years ago. might my life have been different ?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha! I always used to joke that I’d end up in a nunnery! It’s not funny now 😂

      Not a fan of ACIM – why choose that when there are so many better options? But each to their own!


      1. better options?! i gave up on it a t first, cause i didn’t get it, and i find that booth atheists, and religious hate it. i’ve found nothing better now that i ” got” it. and am doing it.

        have you done it? just asking, cause most hate it/dismiss it without, and i realise now that it’s kind of designed to really undo the mind first.

        i’m glad i watched /read so much michael mirdad , and alan cohen before i was finally ready , on lesson 58 now. not far in , it really takes of after 30.

        i was thinking about i, for you, because abundance is a big thing.

        we so often think/feel that to be spiritual mean poor/no sex ectr. nunnery.

        ACIM would say, in a nut shell ” seek first the kingdom/god first” then all else follows/you’re taken care of.

        though not in the crazy ”get rich manifestation” sense you sometimes see in new agey/or fundy circles.

        abundance meaning having enough of everything .

        also safety.



        1. I tried reading it years ago and hated its tone, the pseudo-Christianity. It’s like a lot of ‘channeled’ texts that on the surface appear to be profound but don’t really say much or are actually misleading. The whole thing comes across as a cult – to me.

          Various people have criticised and deconstructed why it’s a problem. Morten Tolboll says it inverts the teachings of Christ:—the-matrix-dictionary.html

          Charles Upton in ‘The System of Antichrist’ deconstructs many New Age systems including ACIM. He says there’s some truth in it but also many metaphysical errors. It’s essentially gnostic and dualistic.

          I agree – seek God first – but you don’t need ACIM for that!


        2. i know, the language was a problem for me to. now that i ”get” it i don’t mind it as much though holy spirit is holy mother for me, and son ”child”.

          i know christians say this, funny, when you look at the impact of christianity NOT remotely being like christ [ which is a title that belongs to us all, he essence of jc’s teachings, not worshipping him]

          the whole thing is jc dictating this cause after 2000 years people still haven’t got it.

          i’m amazed that you would believe what you linked.

          no, you don’t need ACIM to put god first, it’s just the best thing i’ve found.

          cult, lol! coming from people/a system who/that have/has misused jc’s teachings for control/power.

          what’s wrong with gnostic?

          and dualistic? like saying we’re spirit, NOT body?

          again, reading it without the workbook/other help is nigh impossible.

          how i wish i’d known this 35 years ago.

          such a waste, unless i needed it to get here/comprehend fully. we do tend to learn the hard way 😦


        3. I don’t believe Helen Schucman was channeling Jesus – that’s my first problem. I wouldn’t believe anybody making that claim.

          Gnosticism generally tends to refer to the belief that the world is fallen or broken but it’s not. It’s a manifestation of God – the true non-dual perspective.

          Maybe the best summary of my position on ACIM is here: They cover the joyless tone too – something I remember thinking at the time when reading it. Where’s the joy? It felt off.


        4. if this world were a manifestation of god then all the critique of god allowing war, torture, natural disasters, illness, death would be true.

          what joyless tone?

          it’s only joyless until it gets past our ego conditioning of creating what you just claimed god creates.#

          then it gets very joyful.

          i couldn’t get on with it either, until recently. + the language is from an earlier time. omg, liz greene’s in her saturn book!!!

          shucman was very resistant to the whole thing. she would have preferred to be insane.

          anyways, i thank god daily that i’ve finally got it.


        5. God as in the ‘God above God’ as in: Brahman alone is real, the world is illusory, Brahman is the world. And obviously, ‘illusory’ doesn’t mean it’s not real – only that it doesn’t inherently exist, as the Buddhists would say it is empty of itself.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. also, i’ve found no better /more effective therapy tool than this. for any/everything. money/illness/ trauma , and it can be used alone, in the middle of night, i often do. my head hits the pillow and stuff comes up. and then i cry lying down, which is no fun. i’ve worked to rape/abuse with this, and all sorts, past life memories have come up. actually, this one time, in the middle of the sunday service, michael mirdad mentioned anchorites/esses. i’d never heard of them. i was thrown back in my chair like i was on the enterprise going warp speed, had a panic attack, couldn’t breath, claustrophobia, saw myself in that situation, apparently left to die after an attack ?! did the soul level healing, watched next day, no charge. i do think of being this a lot though. now, as i spend so much time home alone. just not locked in. middle ages !!!

        but i do feel that this is part of my purpose, that i finally found/accepted, this late.


  3. Would you return to Birth Chart reading ? I would say you could do very high quality chart reading indeed and ask for good revenue in return? Online/ video call/ phone/ in person? I dont think you would have to say what people want to hear either — if people need to change or do work on themselves or healing – they need to hear true stuff?! You are offering Evolutionary astrological insight for people who are on a spiritual path ( or need to be !) . Just thought id throw this in..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Mike. These things are on my list and who knows what will happen in the future but right now Neptune is opposite my Mercury Pluto conjunction and melting my brain so I’m sitting on my hands for now!

      Liked by 1 person


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