Astro Journal · Mythology

Zodiac Myths: The Story Behind Virgo

We leave behind the roaring lion and embrace the humble virgin. As a mutable earth sign, Virgo strives to bring order and perfection to the world through the alchemical synthesis of paradox. She carries fire and grain and embodies the secrets of life, the cycles of nature and the force that makes things grow. Virgo… Continue reading Zodiac Myths: The Story Behind Virgo

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Turn obstacles into the Path

Turn obstacles into the path is about working with whatever happens, no matter how difficult, rather than waiting for your life to be perfect. If you only meditate or write when you feel good, you’ll get stuck when you have a bad day. The original lojong slogan is: When the world is filled with evil,… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Turn obstacles into the Path