Astro Journal · Dharma Diary

Astro Diary: Notes on Saturn in Pisces opposite Virgo Sun

As we approach Saturn entering Pisces in March 2023, I thought it might be interesting to explore what happened last time we had this transit on a personal level. Last time, Saturn was in Pisces from 20th May to 30th June 1993, and then from 28th January 1994 to 6th April 1996. For me, this period was challenging but also life-changing and one of my dreams literally came true – the one that looks like this:

Yes, my dreams were filled with knobs!

The last time Saturn was in Pisces I was in my early 20s and unemployed in a recession, having left college in 1992 with a useless degree in music. But I had big dreams. I had always wanted to be a sound engineer, since about age 13, but my lack of confidence held me back. During the years of this transit, I was able to turn that situation around and change my life for the better.

My chart has Aquarius rising and Pisces covers part of the 1st house and the start of the 2nd house using the Koch house system. Most of my natal planets are in houses 7, 8, and 9, with my Virgo Sun in the 7th house along with the South Node (conjunct the Sun), and Mercury conjunct Pluto in Virgo in the 8th house.

Here’s my chart showing the transits for the day Saturn entered Pisces in 1993, when we also had Pluto in Scorpio (in my 9th), the Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn (in my 12th), and Jupiter in Libra (in my 8th):

My chart showing transits on 20th May 1993, courtesy of Astro-Seek

First, some context. In 1993, I was slowly recovering from a period of dissolution and breakdown that had occurred while I was at music college during the Saturn transit of my 12th house. My progressed Sun had also been conjunct natal Pluto in the 8th house, and Pluto had been opposing natal Saturn (and still was in ’93). There had been multiple losses on every level and I was in dire need of healing and a new beginning.

Saturn crossed my Ascendant and entered my 1st house in February 1992, marking the start of a period of self-discovery and restructuring. It can also coincide with low energy and insecurity as you search for the correct path to take you forward. But first I had to let go of the past.

I moved into a new flat that summer, ready to restart my life. Four days later came a burglary of karmic proportions in which I lost almost everything I owned. My entire past was wiped out – all my keyboards and my flute – my identity as a musician – gone. 😢

The flat was in the basement and turned out to be riddled with damp and mildew, so it wasn’t long before I lost everything else too. By the end of 1992, all my clothes and shoes were covered with mould (despite rigorous cleaning), as well as my music collection on cassette (yes, cassette!). Thanks Pluto opposite natal Saturn!

Obviously, this all happened prior to my Saturn return so I was still bogged down in many of the negative manifestations of my Saturn placement in Taurus – scared of losing physical and material security and overly attached to possessions. I ended up depressed and frightened, and by 1993 was fed up with the damp and general decay, both inner and outer.

But there were also signs of returning life, tiny green buds of hope pushing through the darkness. I was reading a lot of books and re-educating myself, learning about astrology, psychology and philosophy, as well as getting into meditation and transforming my worldview.

This coincided with various supportive transits from Jupiter plus the progressed Sun conjunct my natal Mercury and progressed Mercury stationing direct which helped me to clarify my thinking and begin to let go of my self-doubt – a bit.

I started hanging out at a recording studio (SAMS) in Newcastle, making the tea and getting in the way and trying to learn how it all worked. But I was still unemployed and in 1993, the dole office told me to either get a job or do some training. So as Saturn entered Pisces, I decided to do a counselling training course which started in October when Saturn dipped back into Aquarius.

My thinking at the time was that I wanted to help others by sharing what I’d learned during the massive death/rebirth process I’d been through – and was still going through. This is a perfect expression of Saturn in Pisces, and it also allowed me to test my nascent spiritual practice under stressful conditions.

The course was run by the North East Council on Addictions (NECA) who help people struggling with drink and drug problems. I worked at one of their drop-in centres where I listened to the service users and practiced my counselling skills. Alongside the counselling itself, I did courses on how to help people with addiction, syringe exchange, and HIV awareness. Here’s my certificate to prove that I understand alcohol!

While I was learning about booze and how to listen with ‘unconditional positive regard’, Saturn began to transit opposite my natal Sun. This can coincide with low energy and feelings of discouragement as your sense of self and the structures in your life are tested. You can receive recognition for your work, but also difficulties with authorities.

Thankfully, I made comprehensive notes on this transit as it happened. The first hit from February to April 1994 coincided with feelings of depression, comfort eating, self-doubt, confusion and illness. The damp in my flat had given me tonsillitis and my throat was so sore I could hardly swallow. I was worried about the counselling course and fearful of opening up to others and expressing myself with honesty.

I was also debating with myself about what direction my life should take – whether to stick with counselling or go back into sound engineering. The depression was weighing me down and I felt unable to accept myself and accept responsibility for my life. It was fast becoming another identity crisis.

The first exact hit of Saturn opposite the Sun in March coincided with when I typed up my case notes for the course. Due to anxiety, I’d left it to the last minute and quickly threw them together in a hurry the night before they were due in class. I was so worried that I’d done it wrong, that I asked the tutor to check them and let me know if it was what they were after.

He was immensely pleased, saying it was exactly right. But then he asked me to read my notes out to the class to show how it should be done! I remember being really scared while reading and my chest was so tight that I could hardly breathe. And a weird combination of self-consciousness and pride – Yay me! and Aargh, stop looking at me!

The upshot of doing the counselling course was that I decided to return to college to follow my dream of becoming a sound engineer. Working with people who were struggling with problems worse than mine had put my life into a larger perspective. I realised that I was stronger than I thought I was, and frankly, got over myself – a bit!

But not so fast! Saturn wasn’t finished with me yet and there were another two hits from the opposition to my Sun to come, from September to December ‘94. The counselling course ended in July 1994 and I applied to do an HND in Music Production at Newcastle College starting in September. The next hurdle was how to pay for it.

One of the studios at the John Marley Centre, Newcastle College (source)

Back in the 90s it was still possible to get a grant to attend higher education, but you could also apply for a student loan to top up your money, which I did. However, the local council refused my request for a grant on the grounds that I’d already been to college and had received a discretionary award for that. I was allowed to appeal the decision and the date was set for my hearing: 21st October 1994 – when Saturn retrograde was exactly opposite my Sun!

Meanwhile, the course began and I was encouraged to attend classes despite the lack of funding. As the second hit from Saturn approached, I felt tired and frustrated and worried that my fear of failure would prevent me from getting where I wanted to be. I didn’t want my self-doubt to interfere with the opportunity that had presented itself. Would I even be able to complete the course if I couldn’t find a way to pay for it?

The day of the appeal is burned into my memory. I sat in a room at the council offices with a dry mouth and shaking hands, trying to breathe to stop my voice wobbling. Three people sat opposite me across a huge table as I attempted to explain why I deserved to be supported. It was horrible – begging for money – and I knew I would fail with Saturn exactly opposite my Sun. But I had to go through the process anyway.

And of course, the appeal failed.

It was an intense couple of months as Saturn moved towards his final hit in November. In fact, the opposition remained close for the entire period because Saturn stationed while opposite my Sun. I was stressed out, worrying about money and how to pay for the course, but also having a great time at college, making new friends and learning about knobs!

so much fun can be had here!

The college was incredibly supportive and they managed to get a grant from another source – the European Social Fund. This award turned out to be slightly more than I would have received from Newcastle Council. Result!

I was able to complete the course, although it took a little while for the grant to come through – probably thanks to Saturn. I survived by living on the insurance payout that I’d received following the burglary in 1992 – funny how life works out!

Saturn remained in Pisces for the duration of the course and entered my 2nd house as it was coming to an end. This can coincide with consolidating resources and skills, being productive and making money, and building self-worth through work and discipline. I graduated from college in July 1996 and returned to SAMS, the recording studio, this time as a freelance engineer and started running sessions with local musicians.

My dream had come true! 🎉

But it didn’t just land in my lap. I had to confront my shadow and overcome my fears and take responsibility for myself. It was a very Saturnian journey. My life had emptied out while Saturn was in the 12th house and then new seeds were planted when he entered Pisces. The new beginning came when Saturn entered Aries.

I’m curious to see what happens this time Saturn transits Pisces – it won’t be the same because my life has changed so much since then. I’m no longer a sound engineer and Pluto transiting my 12th house has burned through all my remaining dreams. So we’ll just have to wait and see…

Read more about my adventures as a sound engineer here: The Only Girl

More on Saturn in Pisces here 

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to support my work, please donate below 🍵. Thanks in advance! 🙏❤️BMC button

7 thoughts on “Astro Diary: Notes on Saturn in Pisces opposite Virgo Sun

  1. Always love your posts Jessica – crisp writing but evocative!

    Saturn will be going through my Pisces 11th. Last time around I was working in IT and at my appraisal, circa April/May 1993, my boss said I wasn’t enough of a team player. I must have mentioned this to the double-Gemini guy I worked with and he said I should ask to be part of the overnight callout rota.

    This came as a surprise because I had always felt it was a badge of honour to be doing callout and at a certain standard before THEY would ask you to do it. For me to ask “can I do this?” felt like being a prima donna – like a football player who complains about not getting enough playing time and who thinks sitting on the bench is beneath them. Yet my boss welcomed it.

    Looking back, Saturn in 10th had hammered me. I’d been given a (different) nitpicky boss who held me accountable by sending work back until it was perfect as well as having strong words with a couple of other people in the team. I reckon I probably misunderstood the message in the appraisal but I was young and lacking self-esteem, so nuance was beyond me.

    Later on during Saturn in Pisces I went on a teambuilding course. Afterwards, one of the guys on it said he was surprised by how good of a teamplayer I’d been. Think it surprised him because his interactions with me in the office had been a little less positive. But I’m a Mars in Aqua person so my whole motivation when part of a group is to do stuff for the good of everybody, not just myself. I want us all to be on the same page and to have a consensus. Being out on a cold autumn night in the middle of nowhere looking for shelter is a focus for a team you don’t get working in an office on a project that completes in six months’ time.

    In my free time, the team I was playing for had our coach go to Australia for a winter holiday. I volunteered to coach us, in truth because I hated losing and thought by being in charge I could make everyone better. How little I understood leadership is more than just commands! So that began a long time career in coaching and volunteering that continued until a few years ago. All very representative of Saturn in 11th..

    The last few years with Saturn in 10th have again been a lonely time. Other people have seemed to be off doing their own thing and my inclination to reach out to them has been low. I’ve really enjoyed focusing on my self and doing my own thing, I’m interested to see if Saturn into 11th plays out as expected and I either start to engage with them again or they all begin to call on me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really enjoyed this- I have cap rising with transiting pluto opp my natal sun — it has been torching my music dreams too, more recently, so i can relate – i now have to admit i have been an amateur musician for 40 odd years and music is a hobby. (!) .. i dont think pluto burns anything that is actually real and nourishing for us – i have been the wrong sort of neptunian too long and as this transit continues i am on a much more real and exciting path. Some things i didnt think would be possible clearly are ! I also read ‘the only girl’ – syncronistically i had watched vids with Susan Rogers talking about recording Prince last night – just in time to know who you are talking about on yr blog today! The lack of fem sound engineers is an anomaly i hope will be corrected. Thanks !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😲😩😢😇🙏💔
      Your Story Touch Me Because For Many Years I Struggle With Same. Addition,
      Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Meth, Shooting Up, crystal Meth and Crank
      Back In 1995 Through Now, 2022, Friends Got Me Hook, Past 30. Yrs.
      Struggle To Keep Good Jobs, Keep Myself Away Street People. Lost Myself,
      Esteem, Pride, What’s. Important In LIFE. MY CHILDREN ARE THE ONLY GOOD THINGS
      [edited slightly for readability]

      Liked by 1 person


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