Astro Journal · Dharma Diary · Health

Astro Diary: Pluto transiting Capricorn in the 12th house

As Pluto approaches Aquarius those of us who have Aquarius rising (or late degree Capricorn) may be looking forward to Pluto leaving their 12th house. For those who use the Whole Signs house system Pluto will dip his toe into your 1st house for a couple of months this year and won’t enter it fully until the end of 2024. Those who use other house systems may have to wait a little longer depending on the degree of your Ascendant.

My Ascendant is at 10° Aquarius so Pluto won’t reach it until 2029–30, the same year as my second Saturn return, which should be interesting! Pluto started toggling into my 12th house in 2014 and was happily ensconced by January 2015. So by the time he reaches my Ascendant, he’ll have been in the 12th house for about 15 years in total.

With Capricorn in the 12th house you have the potential to develop great inner self-discipline and authority but you’ll have to dig deep to find it. You may feel exiled, cut off or isolated from the collective, and prone to unconscious fears and confusion. This could create a lack of faith and a tendency to be overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life, but avoiding your fears will only make things worse.

You may also feel personally responsible for the suffering of others, giving you a desire to serve or help in some way. This need to be of service could have karmic roots and you may experience some kind of ‘shamanic sickness’ until you take responsibility for your allotted role. By doing this you can become an authority with a profound understanding of deeper mystical realities and ground your dreams and creative ideas into physical form to share with others.

So what does Pluto usually get up to in Capricorn and the 12th house?

Pluto in the 12th is often described in brutal terms: Death! Misery! Isolation! Leprosy! Madness! 😳 But the reality will depend on the material that he has to work with: i.e. the state of your life and subconscious and how willing you are to accept responsibility and do the work of transformation.

Pluto works by dredging stuff up from your unconscious shadow that needs to be healed or got rid of. This often involves a slow transformation that can be unpleasant and uncomfortable as you’re forced to face things that you’ve been denying or running away from. It may also bring up positive things, like gifts or hidden talents. But these are usually underneath a lot of other crap that you have to wade through first – eye deep in shit.

This is rarely a fun process. You’re forced to face your fears, old wounds and traumas and purge emotional conditioning that’s holding you back. Pluto will reveal anything that’s rotten and demand that you change – or else! This can be a hellish experience, depending on the nature of your fears and wounds, or just an opportunity to do some depth psychology.

In Capricorn this purging will encourage you to transform the structures of your life, both internal and external, especially anything with dodgy or decaying foundations. You may also need to explore your relationship to authority, both your own and that of others, and you may be challenged to take on more responsibility.

In the 12th house, Pluto seems to be in his element, digging up secrets and karma and unconscious patterns of self-undoing and sabotage. There may be health issues and hidden enemies could be revealed (both inner and outer), perhaps through a run-in with the collective shadow. You may also experience a loss of faith or dark night of the soul, or an opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice to new mystical depths.

With Capricorn in the 12th, any health issues may be related to problems with the bones and skin thanks to Saturn’s rulership of the sign. Capricorn rules the knees as well as the bones and joints in general, and there could be fractures or too much dryness that creates brittle bones, and inflammatory disorders like arthritis. There could also be dry skin and skin infections and lesions, as well as allergies and depression.

The 12th house marks the end of a cycle, bringing endings and death (not necessarily literally) and the planting of seeds for the next cycle. This doesn’t have to be a terrible experience. You can redeem and reintegrate your shadow and this will bring regeneration and rebirth when Pluto crosses the Ascendant.

What happens will depend on your age and how far Pluto has travelled to get to the 12th house. The older you are, the further Pluto will have travelled and the more shit you’ll have to wade through! Obviously, this depends on whether you’ve been working with Pluto over the years or avoiding his lessons. As Bil Tierney says,

“If we’ve grown with Pluto from house to house and shed many layers of egocentricity, we’re probably at the point where we realise that the bigger world around us needs the best we can offer.”

No pressure then. 😉

This transit will also be influenced by your natal Pluto placement. In my case, Pluto is in Virgo in the 8th house conjunct Mercury, trine Saturn in Taurus in the 3rd house, and sextile Neptune in Scorpio in the 9th. Neptune is also conjunct the Midheaven and is opposite Saturn, reinforcing the 12th house Capricorn dynamic combining the archetypes of Saturn/Neptune/Capricorn/Pisces – obviously an important area for me.

Saturn rules Capricorn so his doings are also relevant for Pluto’s transit of Capricorn. For example, when Pluto entered my 12th house it coincided with Saturn’s transit opposite my natal Saturn in 2014 and then conjunct my natal Neptune into 2015. Saturn reached my Midheaven by the end of 2015, and then finally joined Pluto in the 12th house in January 2019.

My chart courtesy of Astro-Seek

It’s been an ‘interesting’ experience so far and most of the activity has been confined to my inner life, with one or two exceptions. I haven’t been committed to a locked ward in a straightjacket (yet!), and I’m not writing this from a jail cell or monastery. I have had issues with my skin and bones but the roots of those problems go back to when Saturn was transiting the 8th house in 2010. Pluto entering the 12th house seems to have intensified the need to deal with these issues by making them impossible to avoid.

Mostly I’ve been rethinking everything I’ve ever done in a slow-burning dark night that’s dissolving my life and stripping me of all my old dreams. With natal Pluto in the 8th you need to totally transform yourself on every level so I’ve experienced multiple deaths/rebirths – like a little phoenix – and I’m used to deep diving.

But this time it feels different. Previously there’s always been a new way forward, something else for me to become, like a better version of myself. This time there’s no bottom to the abyss and I can’t see a way forward from where I am. I’ve reached the end of the road and there’s nothing left to do except surrender to my true nature – except that feels hidden.

There are times when it gets too much but the intensity ebbs and flows and it can be quite subtle. It has pushed me into extremely dark places and shown me things I really don’t want to deal with – hellish nightmare stuff, disturbing dreams and despair.

And yet something is slowly shifting inside me, a change in the quality of the darkness perhaps. I’m in a liminal space where the past is dissolving but the future doesn’t yet exist. The challenge is to let go and surrender without any sense of what comes next – with no hope, no projecting into the future, no fingers crossed behind my back.

I don’t fully understand what’s going on so I’m not sure any of this makes sense. But somehow, my faith seems to be strengthening and taking me to places I never expected or imagined. I used to be a hardcore atheist and have been slowly transforming for years. This transit is taking that process deeper in a radical call to faith that almost feels forced, as if I have no choice. Either that, or I am going insane. 😬

I’m only about halfway through this transit so perhaps things will become clearer as Pluto creeps towards my Ascendant. Maybe when he dips into Aquarius, I’ll get some clues as to where I’m heading.

A lot of what I’m experiencing seems to mirror what’s happening in the collective with the dying of the old order. When Pluto is transiting the 12th, you can become more open to the collective unconscious and feel everything that’s going on. I tend to be like that anyway so it’s hard to tell whether it’s got worse or more intense. The collective shadow certainly seems to be revealing itself in all its sordid glory.

I’ve also been discovering collective beliefs and ideas that I’ve been too attached to in the past without realising. Pluto is freeing me from these harmful structures by challenging them and revealing their corruption. Many of my old dreams were related to these ideas and they’ve been revealed as hollow and meaningless.

Letting go of your dreams isn’t easy and there’s been a lot of anger and resentment but in the end, that’s hollow too. It’s really a process of facing up to the past and the consequences of the choices you’ve made – a karmic reckoning – deeply uncomfortable but necessary and unavoidable. There’s no point in arguing with Pluto!

The truth is I don’t understand the full context of what’s happening because I can’t see in the dark. My life is dissolving, not necessarily because of anything I’ve done or haven’t done, but because it’s time. Pluto has decreed that these things shall die. Knowing that this is part of an ongoing cycle of dissolution helps to offset some of the guilt and shame – and frankly, this pattern of pointless self-flagellation is one of the things that needs to stop!

Patterns of family karma have also been revealed that have shed light on my extreme introversion and reclusive tendencies which have increased with Pluto in the 12th (partly driven by health issues). I recently discovered a host of recluses on my father’s side of the family where there’s also lots of madness (schizophrenia) and fallings out and separations. It made me wonder about the historical traumas of the Irish people under colonisation and whether this ancient karma has anything to do with my wounds and why I was born with a broken heart.

Some of my long-standing health issues have intensified with Pluto in the 12th. These started when Saturn was transiting my 8th house and my health collapsed in a massive inflammatory flare-up and ulcerative colitis in 2010–11. I got it under control by changing my diet but then Pluto entered the 12th house and I was bounced unceremoniously into an early menopause at the tender age of 45.

Menopause adds to the general drying out of the aging process and that means the inflammation and skin problems occasionally return, along with allergies to things I never used to have issues with. It’s frustrating but I’m learning to take better care of myself and be more present in my body. However, this didn’t stop the dramatic events of 2019 when Saturn joined Pluto in the 12th house.

In August that year Saturn was transiting my Part of Fortune in Capricorn when I had a nasty fall and broke my wrist and bust my lip, ending up in hospital. This triggered a chain of events that led to my diagnosis with osteoporosis – officially making me a crone. Osteoporosis is often called a hidden killer – perfect for Pluto in the house of secret enemies. So it’s not just my dreams that are dissolving. My bones are also turning to mush!

Well, allegedly…

After my diagnosis I began digging into this so-called disease and was shocked to find dodgy medications, suspicious diagnostic techniques, gaslighting doctors, and even the wholesale redefinition of the condition in order to sell more drugs. Anyone who’s been paying attention to recent events will recognise these issues and the general failure of healthcare to actually improve health.

So since it might be of interest, I’ll be sharing some of my osteoporosis discoveries over the coming weeks, including a look at the deeper symbolism and meaning of the ‘disease.’ If you’re young and full of hormones, you may think this isn’t relevant to you but I wish I’d known about this stuff earlier – it would’ve saved me a lot of grief.

And we start with Bone of Contention: Osteoporosis and the Nocebo Effect

Images: Santa Muerte; X-rays

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to support my work, please donate below 🍵. Thanks in advance! 🙏❤️BMC button

38 thoughts on “Astro Diary: Pluto transiting Capricorn in the 12th house

  1. Hi,
    went through IT. From 2008 to the grand conjunction of Pl-St 2020…
    The conjunction touched my ascendent.

    From 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, the beginning of my XII hose, to the grand conjunction of Pl-St 2020…When that fated conjunction smashed on my ascendent. That’s 12 years.

    I don’t want to go into this about the unspeakable suffering that you know so well. I just want to thank you for the articles on Pluto. And especially about Pluto and the twelfth house.
    And that image…! I had never found an image that summarizes that existence inside the underworld where even the Spirit drowns, you found it. It is tremendous and 100% realistic, also magnificent.
    Because that life like this is not human, and for this reason it also becomes “magnificent”.
    The real black night of the Soul, the slow laceration unimaginable to the most normal people, I do not say luckier, than us.
    To be speechless, actually.

    I will not tell you about the Black Dog, which in reality I took. Just real, at home with me. I had no idea it was a metaphor for depression. I will not tell about “banging my teeth”…

    The “rebirth” is a great sigh of relief but always dark, after all it is Pluto in the first house.
    No one can understand you as I understand you, oppose others in our situation, no one.

    My hope for you, but I’m sure, is that Aquarius is not Capricorn, nothing to do with it… the situation will normalize even if it is always a twelfth house.

    I hold you in an embrace with all the strength and passion that the dark Pluto and Capricorn have given us as a gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What you describe sounds a LOT like my own experience with Pluto transitting my 12th house in Cap! (ASC at 2 degrees Aquarius here)
    Like you, I have my Pluto in the 8th, and it’s in an conjunction with Saturn from 1982 in Libra.
    With moon here too, this is personal stuff for sure!

    My natal Mars is at 8 degrees Cap, square my Moon, and my MC in Sagittarius is ALSO at 8 degrees… So, 8 is a hot degree for me in my horoscope you can guess…

    When Pluto hit my natal Mars at 8 degrees in 2012, my life as I knew it, was destroyed, and I went in isolation – or so it felt. The carpet was pulled away under me, and this was literally on my hot 8 degree in both places, so I kinda lost my faith in all things believable. I also got REALLY mad at the loss and the pain. I was forced to see the ugly truth about my ex boyfriend and our relationship and the belief I ad in it was shattered. I fell, without any hope of landing in a comfortable place, but right down into an abyss of emotional darkness.

    When Pluto hit my 12 degree moon in Libra 8H, the relationship I had with my mom was destroyed and we’ve only mended it in 2021, when Pluto began squaring himself and Saturn in Libra.

    So, relationships are a Biggie here.
    Death, rebirthing, taking responsibility for my own role of fear and avoiding of the truth is too.

    It has been as you say – take on more responsibility for my parents, do the right thing, feeling responsible, but also taking care of my own needs at the same time.

    I met my current BF when Pluto sextiled my natal Venus/Sun/Jupiter in Scorpio in 2018-19 though, and we too have been through some tough sh*t during these years.

    I am also beginning to associate Pluto’s journey in Cap with the immense lack of sexual activity I have experienced since he went into my 12th house in 2012. Pluto and the 8th house is, after all, about “Death, sex and taxes” and Saturn is restrictions and residing in my 8th house natally with Pluto, puts an emphasis on being 100% you – and 100% an equal with yourself and your plus one, before the 8H type of intimacy can be achieved. So, naturally I met partners with whom I couldn’t obtain the very intense sexual experiences with but which I longed for. I had to heal my past and take on responsibility for my own parts as well. My own schewed experience of the sexual act has really been under scrutiny the past 3 years with me and my partner.

    Some mottos I have been living by during the past 5 years have been:

    “The only way out is through”

    “The man who runs from his fear will discover he has only taken a shortcut to meet it”

    “If you want love, you need hate. And if you want hate, you need to love”

    My sense of walking through a very long, narrow and dark tunnel towards the light has been present for several years, untill I had my diagnosis, and I have suffered fractured skin barrier, acne, inflammation in skin, bone troubles, bad ankles (Saturn in Aquarius), when I haven’t been able to stand my ground.

    I have had to address my authority issues by being more mature and take my responsibility seriously.

    I can only say that I have been trying to do the right thing the past years, and I think it’s starting to pay off.

    Also, with your natal Saturn in 8th, you should probably examine your digestive state, since virgos often tends to have stomach pains when the nervous system is acting up 😉


    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Anette. (the comment went into the spam cos it’s so long and I had to rescue it!)

      My Saturn is in the 3rd house, not the 8th – I was referring to Saturn transiting my 8th house.


      1. Ah, my bad.

        But yes, Saturn can be a lot about fear for sure, at least that’s what I’ve learned now.

        Thanks for rescuing my comment, much appreciated 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Jessica, I think all of creation that conspired to make you and bring you to this place, where we all can sip from your wisdom of life. I found you a few years ago when I too was going through a dark night of the soul; loss, deep betrayal grief. For me, Pluto has transited by conjunction my Uranus, Saturn, Neptune+ Descendant(at the same time) squared my 10th house Sun in Aries and lastly conjunct my 23° Cappy Mars while trining my 23° Taurus Venus in the 11th house. It has undoubtedly been a journey! Devotedly following your blog has been a commonplace to make sense of my world as it was pretty ripped apart. In alignment with your recent blog above, I did not have Pluto in Capricorn transiting my 12th, however the person that has haunted my dreams since Pluto transited my descendant does! For the past 10 years I have had a visitor( a stranger in the waking world) that has come in and out of my dreams. They have helped and guided me so much in the highly vivid dreams I experienced. Honestly, in one of the dreams, I was literally guided to your blog as I saw your moniker on a computer screen, in a room where the individual guided me. In 2015 I would find out that this person actually exist in flesh, blood, breath and bone on this green Earth. I could not believe it!! I went on a further journey to understand WHYYYYYYYY??? I am saying all this to say….. It seems this person who is an Aquarius rising, their 12th house Pluto transit experiences(which conjunct their Sun, Mercury, Lilith, Eros, Ceres, Juno all in Capricorn in the 12th house) synced up with my 7th house/descendant experiences and we have been working through lots of unconscious material astrally. We are completely unacquainted in the 3-D physical realm. It has been exhausting but quite liberating and has deepened as well as heightened my spiritual growth. Everything you expressed above is what I have known to be true for the individual, this dissolution… this purge….! I have even bared witness to the physical changes and injuries that has happened to their body. Everything you wrote here!! TRUTH!!! I never understood why I was apart of it…. Or why this person became a part of my inner world for all these years. I would love to ask of your point of view or thoughts on this experience? Today, I was pondering on releasing and preparing for Pluto’s transit into my 8th but making sense of this mystery still lingers. Then, BOOM. divinely, like clockwork your recent blog pops up in my algorithm feed! I know your quite busy, but I would love to have some further guidance!! Thank you for all you do!💞

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! I’m glad you’ve found the blog helpful over the years, Angel, and thank you for sharing your experience. These kinds of synchronicities often happen to guide us along our path, like little breadcrumbs – and I’m glad I was able to provide a crumb or two. As to further guidance: it seems you’ve got that covered! Just keep trusting life (or God or whatever you want to call it) and it will guide you where you need to be.


  4. Hello! Amazing content, love your website! Can you also write about Saturn Transitioning Pisces in the 12th House, please?


    1. Well, this is a diary post from my own experience so I can’t do Saturn in Pisces in the 12th. For Saturn transits in the 12th see: Having it in Pisces adds another layer of dissolution, confusion and the potential for spiritual and creative breakthroughs.

      I wrote about my experience of Saturn transits in Pisces here:

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  5. Wow….we have some similarities…I’m a 7 degree Rising Aquarius and I couldn’t thank you enough for your email.

    My Neptune is also conjunct my
    MC at 28 degrees Scorpio
    POF at 29 degrees Scorpio
    MC 0 degrees Sagittarius

    My Moon is also in Leo, 27 degrees lol

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  6. PS —- You have North Node in Pisces — you absolutely have no choice but to put yr trust in and surrender to the wisdom of a Higher Power ( whatever that is for you) . I mean, seriously – it’s literally your MISSION to learn surrender in this lifetime ! Having that in the first house might have complicated it by you having to make yr own needs the priority… so we will let you off for now… im not an astrologer but it seems quite funny !

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Jessica — i have been blown away by the accuracy of German New Medicine (which shows us that most conditions come from an unanticipated shock and that the animal layer of the brain is responding intelligently to deal with it and that we ‘havent merely gone wrong somehow’) . Colitis is often an ‘indigestible morsel’ – a situation, person or remark etc that you were very angry with and couldnt ‘digest’…. menopause sometimes leads to osteoporosis because the woman feels devalued by menopause ( a ‘devaluation conflict’ ) and in YOUR case has probably come early because you felt devalued by the onset of colitis. ie vicious circle. The colitis can be re-triggered by many things because once you suspect food is the cause, different foods can then become new indigestible morsels – more vicious circle. Here is one link to give you an idea –
    i can send more info – you can google and see what comes up. I am not trained in GNM, BUT i have found i can work intuitively / shamanically with it very well. It’s something i found in lockdown due to my desire to help people escape the evil of big pharma ! If you visit anywhere near yr place of birth ( Btn) i would gladly do a free session for you. The conscious recognition of the trigger event and identifying of subsequent ‘tracks’ are enough to neutralise the complaint. I wanted to ask you about different house systems but this reply is more pertinent ! In your 12th house plutonic voyage who’s to say unexpected help couldnt come from somewhere completely.. .. er….. unexpected ?!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Phew – it’s under control then. In terrain theory / GNM the only causes of illness are toxins / deficiency / emotiono-psycho event . ( i zoomed in on the last one!) Dental work – so fraught with danger

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        1. I had a lot of pain in my teeth – hence the need for dental work – and the only way I could eat was by using pain killers and I didn’t realise how damaging the ibuprofen was until it was too late. I was taking it regularly through the day for weeks.

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        2. i was prescribed ibu, years ago, for fibro related pains. long after i read warnings inline doctor said, erm, maybe you should not take 3 times a day like i told you to. one reason that i avoid doctors, other things to that might have killed me.
          tooth pain, the worst!
          i hope you got it sorted. i wonder why you had it? do you know?
          i have felt like a leper all my life , re childhood abuse, or so i thought, i did have those experiences, but i just found out during extreme eczema upflare, that i was one in a past life, and then had vision of the person in rags shaking them of and walking away naked in a gloriously healthy body , climbing up the mountain where my sun, moon, mars, venus , asc reside now. laying down on the flank of the tired old lion, both got rejuvenated, and are playing like puppies while the rest are having a party. it’s seen my inner child playful , the first time in my life i’ve felt playful .i used to get depressed/suicidal seeing others playful, hide at home, isolate myself even more because the dark/unhappy /dry mouth /throat feeling were worse that normal. i suppose the moon/sat, in cap/5.
          idk what transit is bringing this up now. i’ve so many going on. smallish ones to, with mercury chiron/jupiter,
          feelings of joy, happiness, still crying a lot.
          my eyes got about 50% better the moment i though , i was a leper, took some time got get back to normal/ish.
          i’d like a miracle where all eczema goes, but better is good.
          another piece of the puzzle, another miracle.
          i get one every week now, more or less, not that they’re fre. there’s always a test after, or a trial before.

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        3. The way eczema comes and goes is a real pain – you think it’s gone and then it’s back! Very annoying. I find eating lots of oily fish helps and avoiding seeds oils (which is difficult to do cos it’s in everything).

          In answer to your question, my teeth started to disintegrate after years of eating too much sweet stuff – plus, I’m British, so…


        4. i’m german and i’ve few good teeth left and some missing but past pulling i’ve no truck with dentists, childhood trauma again.
          can’t have much sugar anyways , liver.
          not fair, when i was super depressed i could not even live on tiramisu!

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  8. pluto’s been in my 6th since forever and i’m no stranger to chronic health issues, eczema has been so bad, p sq mc, and now co mars? my eyes have been all but swollen shut, and itchy /burning these last couple of days on top of all else.
    re bones and whatnot. check out ”thefoodphoenix” site/fb.
    i’m glad i mostly seem to have the phoenix state after my long dark nigh of the soul, give or take little crashes back.
    grateful to see the light/to be the light, was my message this morn.

    sudden menopause! i spend years bleeding, trickling , every day + heavy periods before it finally stopped at 62!
    i’m still a bit worried re using nice bedding.

    what a nuisance that whole system is. who came up with it?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, in a way it was good to get it out the way early. Now I don’t have to think about all that stuff anymore – I can get on with the business of being a grumpy crone! The role I was born to play 😂

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      1. lol, grumpy crone ?!?
        meanwhile, i had a realisation re a past life last night and my eyes got better immediately.
        amazing when this sort of thing works.

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  9. my daughter has had pluto in 12 from 15 to 27. that seems young to be going throuh this. then again, she’s pluto on mc 29.50 scorpio. mc 0.20 sag.

    i must remember she came in with this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s a tough transit to go through when you’re young. My sister has Pluto conjunct her Libra MC and Pluto went through her 12th a while back, culminating in her getting married when it crossed her Ascendant – a rebirth!

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  10. I didn’t know I needed to read this until it appeared Jessica. I too am an Aquarius rising ( a few degrees after yours). We are close in age as well but I use a different house system so I could not do an accurate comparison of charts. Having said all that, I agree with most of what you wrote. I also have Saturn in Capricorn which revs up all the Saturnian energies as well. I personally felt some relieve when TR Saturn moved out. l have been working with Pluto for decades ( I am a Scorpio sun with a stellium in Scorp) so the terrain is somewhat familiar. But health issues had intensified as well as some unforeseen losses. I wish you healing and wisdom,

    I appreciate all the details in your post and it is great to know another fellow Aquarian,



    Liked by 2 people

  11. Great content here! We should really chat. I’m Pisces rising 5° and Cap Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon Taurus…but more importantly Pluto in Virgo born 1970. These stories of your menopausal and osteoarthritis issues ring true to me as well. The nuanced nature of these 12th house/1st house activations are so relevant as Saturn had been in my 12th in Aquarius and now Pluto goes there as Saturn goes in my 1st. All of the themes have applied in one way or another with Saturn and Pluto in the Capricorn/Aquarius ruled houses. Also, I am Scottish descent and have heamachromatosis, so that photo of your wrist and hands reminded me of my “iron claws” thumb, wrist and first finger which attracts the iron from my blood and causes arthritis there.

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    1. Yes, there’s a lot of similarities between these energies – some interesting overlaps with your experience. But the photo isn’t of my wrists! It’s just a stock image.


    2. i’ve had weird clacking, swelling, pain first in thumb, then wrist. i wonder if that is similar.


  12. Very illuminating! Thanks for your openness and sincerity! Pluto transits into my 12th house this month (March) for a twenty year journey. I was born Sept19/46. I have been on the “mystical path” for most of my life, done a ton of “deep diving” into my soul/psyche, had many many profound realizations, certainly not yet finished with all that, I expect both the worst & best is yet to come. Given my age (76), this is most likely the final house for my Pluto, this time around. With Pluto in Aquarius for this transit, what can I expect?

    Liked by 2 people


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