
Uranus Transits to the Sun

When Uranus transits the natal Sun your need for freedom and change influences your sense of self and how you express yourself. Uranus speeds things up and disrupts old patterns and represents your need for independence and change in this area.

When Uranus transits the natal Sun, you may experience disruption and unexpected changes to almost any area of your life. It may be an exciting but unpredictable time when you can transform your identity and learn to be true to yourself if you’re willing to take a few risks.

This transit is an opportunity to free yourself from anything that’s holding you back, whether inner or outer. You can see yourself more clearly and break free of old conditioning and ideas about who you think you are. The more you cooperate with this process, the less disruptive it will be.

Hard aspects to the Sun (conjunction, square or opposition) may be more likely to trigger extreme reactions, such as wilful and rebellious behaviour that gets you in trouble. But if you resist necessary change, events beyond your control could force the issue. Take advantage of any opportunities for change that come up and you may be surprised by what you can accomplish.

Possibilities with Uranus transiting the Sun:
  • An inspiring vision of who you could become
  • An exciting new relationship
  • Discovering a new vocation
  • Developing your creativity
  • Feeling excitable and more alive
Watch out for:
  • Impulsive actions that upset others
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Being rude or defiant
  • Problems with authority and/or your father
  • Rebel without a cause
My notes:

Uranus transited trine to my natal Sun in 1989-90 from age 18–20 when Uranus was in Capricorn in my 11th house. This coincided with when I was working in the Virgin Megastore in Brighton to save money before going to college to study music.

Before leaving home, I hired a 4-track to record a demo – my first attempt at trying to record anything – and spent hours fiddling and twiddling and not getting very far. It was frustrating but I enjoyed it anyway and later went into a proper studio with a friend where we had fun recording with a professional. This cemented my dream of becoming a sound engineer.

Then I left home and moved to Newcastle to attend college which was a big disruption and a huge change to my identity. It also affected my relationships and as the transit came to an end, I broke up with the man I’d been seeing for several years and started seeing someone I met on the course.

Uranus transited opposite to my natal Sun in 2004-05 from age 33–34 when Uranus was in Pisces in my 1st house. Three days before the exact alignment I suddenly started writing when an idea for a story burst into my mind while walking to work. This was extremely unexpected and I was soon happily researching how to write screenplays and structure stories, my mind on fire with ideas and possibilities.

In fact, one day I was so distracted by what was going on in my head that I accidentally locked myself out of my flat after leaving without the keys. I had to break back in using an old loyalty card and was surprised, and perturbed, by how easy it was!

On the surface, this transit doesn’t appear to be that disruptive but it created changes that altered the direction of my life later on. I was able to embrace the change because I had just experienced another transit that radically transformed my view of reality and myself. This was Uranus conjunct my north node and trine natal Jupiter in 2003–4 which overlapped with the opposition to my Sun.

Uranus was trine my natal Sun again in 2019-20 from age 48–49 when Uranus was in Taurus in my 3rd house. Ironically, this transit was more disruptive than the opposition, perhaps because it coincided with Pluto in my 12th house squaring natal Venus, progressed Mars conjunct natal Mercury, and Chiron moving into orb of its return.

As Uranus moved into orb, I was doing lots of writing and upgraded this site to remove the egregious ads. But I was also feeling frustrated and confused about my path forward. Then in August 2019 I broke my wrist in an incident with a dog while out walking which increased my frustration. Later I was diagnosed with osteoporosis – something I dispute – but it highlighted my need to embrace my new crone identity now that I’m officially old!

More positively, towards the end of 2019 Nexus magazine asked for permission to include my Saturn Pluto post in their next edition and it came out in December. Anaiya Sophia also requested permission to use some of my work in her book, Fierce Feminine Rising, which came out in January 2020.

Uranus will transit square my natal Sun in 2026-28 from age 56–57 when Uranus is in Gemini in my 3rd house and getting close to crossing my IC. This is an approaching transit and part of the mini triangle configuration – I may update this later…

More Uranus Transits: Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune / Pluto / Chiron / Houses

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