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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Expect Applause

Don’t expect applause is about not expecting recognition or applause for the things you do. The original slogan is the same and it encourages you to let go of attachment to the outcome, in a similar way to slogan 28. Nobody in their right mind expects applause for practising mind training and meditation. You know… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Expect Applause

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Be Frivolous

Don’t be frivolous is about finding the right balance between joy and seriousness, and focusing on the things that really matter to you. The original lojong slogan is the same, and on face value, seems to be telling you to not have any fun. But thankfully, there’s more to it than that. This slogan is… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Be Frivolous

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Be Jealous

Don’t be jealous is about remembering not to be jealous of others. The original slogan is the same and it encourages you to pay attention to how you compare yourself with others, especially when you feel insecure. Jealousy comes from a feeling of not having enough or not being good enough. The more you notice… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Be Jealous

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Wallow

Don’t wallow is about not letting your darker feelings drag you under, especially when things don’t go your way or your meditation practice becomes more challenging. The original lojong slogan is: Don’t wallow in self-pity, which reminds you not to feel sorry for yourself, no matter what you’re going through. If you’ve been examining and… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Wallow

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Examine and Analyse

Examine and analyse is about examining how you’re doing with your mind training and analysing how you can continue to improve. The original lojong slogan is: Liberate yourself by examining and analysing, and it turns the previous slogan on its head. Instead of dissolving your problems by opening your heart, this slogan asks you to… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Examine and Analyse

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Be Wholehearted

Be wholehearted is about overcoming your defences and making a commitment to practice mind training wholeheartedly. The original lojong slogan is: Train wholeheartedly, which means you don’t hold back or avoid feelings or experiences that make you uncomfortable. When you commit to training your mind, you can’t make excuses or look for ways to avoid… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Be Wholehearted

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Wobble

Don’t wobble is about being consistent with your mind training practice and not getting sidetracked by other things in your life or doubts about what you’re doing. The original lojong slogan is: Don’t vacillate, which draws your attention to the way your mind tends to get caught up in its own vortex, running in circles… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Wobble

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Misinterpret

Don’t misinterpret is about not misinterpreting the teachings and applying them in ways that mean you don’t really have to change. The original lojong slogan is the same and focuses on six specific qualities that you should avoid misinterpreting (see the book for more). Spiritual practices of all kinds can make you feel good and… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Misinterpret

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Practice What’s Important

Practice what’s important is about not wasting the opportunity to practice mind training and meditation by paying attention to this moment right now. The original lojong slogan is: This time, practice the main points, which are to help others, practice the teachings, and cultivate compassion. This moment is the only time in which you can… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Practice What’s Important

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Count on External Conditions

Don’t count on external conditions is about practising mind training and meditation no matter what’s going on in your life. Whether your circumstances are favourable or not, practice anyway. The original lojong slogan is: Don’t be swayed by external circumstances, which reminds you that you can’t control reality. You can only control your reaction to… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Don’t Count on External Conditions

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Meditate on What You Resent

Meditate on what you resent is about noticing when you shut down or get annoyed, and using that to wake yourself up. The original lojong slogan is: Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment, and it encourages you to practice tonglen meditation with the things that get your goat. This slogan asks you to pay attention… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Meditate on What You Resent

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Buddhist Writing Prompt: Train with a Whole Heart

Train with a whole heart is about applying the practice of mind training to everything in your life, not just when you’re meditating. The original lojong slogan is rather long: Train without bias in all areas. It is crucial always to do this pervasively and wholeheartedly. The key idea is to practice without bias, which… Continue reading Buddhist Writing Prompt: Train with a Whole Heart