Creativity · Spirituality

Mystic Warrior Practice – Creativity

Last time we looked at vocation and how spiritual practice can be used in your work. In the final post of this series, we explore practices for creativity that are relevant whether you see yourself as an ‘artist’ or not – they may even be an essential part of your life if you want to… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Creativity

Apocalypse · Spirituality

Mystic Warrior Practice – Community

Last time we looked at the nature of love and how to bring spiritual practice into your relationships with family, friends and partners. But the network of your relationships goes far beyond those closest to you. In this post we extend the circle further to explore practices that connect you to the wider community… Everyone… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Community


Mystic Warrior Practice – Relationships

Last time we looked at practices for the shadow and how to recognise projections that cause problems in your relationships. In this post we explore the nature of love and how to bring spiritual practice into your most significant relationships, including deep friendships, partnerships, and family. Everyone lives in a network of relationships of varying… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Relationships


Mystic Warrior Practice – Soul

Last time we looked at practices for the mind and how to train yourself to think and deconstruct your maps of reality. This training helps the mind to become transparent to itself so you can see into the deeper realities of consciousness. The most profound experiences of the mind are encounters with the soul and… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Soul

Buddhism · Spirituality

Mystic Warrior Practice – Mind

Last time we looked at practices for the emotions and how to deal with negative conditioning that stops you from recognising your true Self. Your emotions get caught up in the stories you tell about yourself and your thoughts fan the flames, often making things worse. So in this post, we’ll explore how to untangle… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Mind

Psychology · Spirituality

Mystic Warrior Practice – Emotions

Last time we looked at practices for the body, which are also essential for emotional health and wellbeing. There’s a lot of overlap between these practices for obvious reasons: you feel your emotions via your body. So the more grounded you are, the more in touch you’ll be with your feelings and emotions. In this… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Emotions

Health · Spirituality

Mystic Warrior Practice – Body

Last time we looked at the importance of having an ethical foundation for your spiritual practice and some of the perils of living a moral life. In this post, we’ll explore some practices for the body, an area that’s often neglected in our busy daily lives but is essential for creating a fully grounded spiritual… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Body


Mystic Warrior Practice – Ethics

In the previous post in this series we finished exploring the Collective Context of your life and how society hijacks the spiritual path and leads you astray. From this point on, we’ll get into some actual practices and work our way through the areas listed in the Overview post. And we start with an important… Continue reading Mystic Warrior Practice – Ethics