Film & TV

Pan’s Labyrinth and the Power of Imagination

A perfect example of the Pluto archetype can be found in Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror masterpiece Pan’s Labyrinth. It’s a melancholic, imaginative tale with an ambiguous ending – like all good fairytales before they were sanitised for children. The film references loads of other fantasy films and fairytales, including Little Red Riding Hood, Alice… Continue reading Pan’s Labyrinth and the Power of Imagination

Film & TV

The Living and the Dead – “You will reap what you sow”

An excellent example of the Saturn archetype can be found in the six-part BBC series The Living and the Dead. It’s a supernatural thriller structured around a love story set during the Victorian era in rural Somerset. The haunting music is based on old folk songs which adds to the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere. There… Continue reading The Living and the Dead – “You will reap what you sow”

Film & TV

Alien: Covenant – Lucifer in Space and Transhuman Hell

After my two part analysis of the symbolism of Prometheus last year, it’s about time I followed up on my promise to tackle the sequel, Alien: Covenant. This film is more like the original Alien from 1979, but continues to explore some of the ideas presented in Prometheus. However, the many questions left hanging at… Continue reading Alien: Covenant – Lucifer in Space and Transhuman Hell

Astro Journal · Mythology

Zodiac Myths: The Story Behind Scorpio

We leave behind the balanced scales and risk the sting of the scorpion. As a fixed water sign, Scorpio penetrates the darkness in search of emotional power and the mysteries of life and death. The old is mulched and transformed into the mud where the lotus of wisdom grows. Scorpio is a feminine sign and… Continue reading Zodiac Myths: The Story Behind Scorpio

Film & TV

Stranger Than Fiction: Death and Taxes, and the Meaning of Life

Stranger Than Fiction is a perfect example of the Virgo archetype on film. It’s a modern fable about the interconnectivity of life and the power of stories and literature. The story follows Harold Crick, a taxman who lives a very ordered life until his wristwatch decides to stir things up a bit. The film is… Continue reading Stranger Than Fiction: Death and Taxes, and the Meaning of Life

Film & TV

Doctor Strange: Time and the Meaning of Life

Last week we looked at Gemini myths which gave me the perfect excuse to watch Doctor Strange again. The film deals with various Gemini/Mercury themes including magic, healing, the confrontation with the shadow, and the shamanic journey between dimensions. It’s another superhero origins story – a classic hero’s journey with an added dash of ‘Hollywood… Continue reading Doctor Strange: Time and the Meaning of Life

Dark Night of the Soul

Dying to Live: Dancing in the Flames

I recently watched a fascinating film about the life of Jungian analyst Marion Woodman, known for her work on feminine psychology and addiction. The film features interviews with Marion by the mystic Andrew Harvey, covering the mysteries of death and rebirth, and how the soul grows through surrender, as illustrated by Marion’s life and her… Continue reading Dying to Live: Dancing in the Flames

Buddhism · Dharma Diary

Fearlessness in the face of a hot spoon

There’s a Buddhist story I like about overcoming the fear of death: a Zen monastery was under attack by an infamous warlord and his army. All the monks fled, except for the abbot who sat peacefully in front of the shrine. The warlord entered the courtyard and approached, pulling out his sword. He shouted at… Continue reading Fearlessness in the face of a hot spoon


Death comes to us all – even cups…

Broken Cup

Oh boy! Oh boy!” cried the monk-on-probation who had just cracked the Zen Master’s favourite (and valuable) drinking cup.

The frightened youngster went to the Zen Master and asked, “Why must there be death?

The Master answered, “Death is natural. It comes to all persons and things. We should not greet it with fear or meet death with anger. Why do you ask?

Because, Master, death has come upon your cup.

– Zen Fables For Today

Mythology · Psychology

Sympathy for the Devil: the Nature of Evil

Where there is light, there is darkness, but hidden within the dark are the seeds of creation and the key to finding the light. In the last two posts we met the predator and discovered how he works in the story of Bluebeard. It’s time to get our hands dirty and jump into the viper’s… Continue reading Sympathy for the Devil: the Nature of Evil