
You are the sky


“You are the sky. Everything else, it’s just the weather.”

This is my favourite quote from Pema Chodron. No matter what I’m going through, remembering this simple truth can clear my mind and bring me back to my centre faster than almost anything else. Even during the worst storms, the sky is clear behind the clouds…


On the Journey of Life Be Everywhere You Are

This is a beautiful passage from Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace by Irish poet John O’Donohue on the importance of taking the time to slow down and smell the roses. Life can’t be swallowed in one big gulp… you must sip and savour… “Often we approach things with greed and urgency. We do not like to… Continue reading On the Journey of Life Be Everywhere You Are


Does a Dog have Buddha Nature?

There’s a well-known Zen koan that begins with this question. Reams of words and scholastic papers have been written about Joshu’s Dog. The koan sounds like the start of a bad Buddhist joke: A monk asked Joshu, a Chinese Zen master: ‘Has a dog Buddha nature or not?’ Joshu answered: ‘Mu!’ ‘Mu’ means No-thing, but… Continue reading Does a Dog have Buddha Nature?


David Foster Wallace on Writing & an old Chinese Tale

“I keep remembering this strange little story I heard in Sunday school when I was about the size of a fire hydrant. It takes place in China or Korea or someplace like that. It seems there was this old farmer outside a village in the hill country who worked his farm with only his son… Continue reading David Foster Wallace on Writing & an old Chinese Tale


Death comes to us all – even cups…

Broken Cup

Oh boy! Oh boy!” cried the monk-on-probation who had just cracked the Zen Master’s favourite (and valuable) drinking cup.

The frightened youngster went to the Zen Master and asked, “Why must there be death?

The Master answered, “Death is natural. It comes to all persons and things. We should not greet it with fear or meet death with anger. Why do you ask?

Because, Master, death has come upon your cup.

– Zen Fables For Today

Book Reviews · Buddhism

The Sun of Wisdom: Teachings of the Noble Nagarjuna – Review

The Sun of Wisdom is a commentary on one of the classics of Buddhist literature by one of the great Tibetan masters, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way was written by Nagarjuna in the 2nd century and is a commentary on the Buddha’s teachings on the nature of appearance and emptiness. The… Continue reading The Sun of Wisdom: Teachings of the Noble Nagarjuna – Review