
A History of Addled: from idea to publication

I never wanted to be a writer. I didn’t fantasise about seeing my words in print or imagine adoring fans hanging on my every word. I believed I was an inarticulate musician and sound engineer. Writing anything would simply confirm my deepest fears: that I was stupid. So it was quite a surprise to find… Continue reading A History of Addled: from idea to publication


Addled Chapter 8: The Ultimate Subversion – part 2

I slammed the front door behind me, swept through to the living room, and flung myself on the sofa. Jonah was composing on his synth at his computer in the corner, headphones clamped to his ears. He slipped them off and spun his chair to face me. ‘What happened?’ he said, looking worried. ‘He’s a… Continue reading Addled Chapter 8: The Ultimate Subversion – part 2


Addled Chapter 8: The Ultimate Subversion – part 1

As soon as I walked through the supermarket doors I wanted to turn around and walk out again. I was still feeling jangled from my latest encounter with weirdness, like my skin had been pulled off. It was early, so Morrisons wasn’t too busy, but the light still hurt my eyes and the vacuous music… Continue reading Addled Chapter 8: The Ultimate Subversion – part 1