Astro Journal · Current Transits

Jupiter in Taurus: expansion of abundance and pleasure

Jupiter enters Taurus on 16th May 2023 and stays there until 25th May 2024 when he goes into Gemini. This could be a period of relative calm and slow growth in the Taurus area of your chart, and with a few caveats, could bring healing and stability and inspiring ideas for making productive changes to your life.

Taurus brings Jupiter down to earth and makes him more practical and materialistic than usual. This tends to manifest as a greater desire for abundance and simple pleasures and may inspire you to create a more stable foundation for your life. You may be able to improve your finances or get the resources you need, as well as explore your values and feelings of self-worth, depending on the position of Taurus in your chart.

Growth in this area of your life won’t happen overnight because Taurus works slowly, but any plans or projects you’ve been working on for a while could bear fruit now. This will work best if you focus on getting real results and making physical and material improvements to your life. It won’t be enough to just feel inspired or have hopes for the future – your hopes must be practical and realistic and your goals must be tangible and meaningful to you.

You may feel inspired to make practical improvements to your life but you’ll need to be patient and willing to wait for results. You may also need to watch out for laziness or a tendency to sit back and wait for the good things of life to land in your lap. To make the most of this transit you’ll need to apply some discipline and self-awareness so you don’t squander the opportunity it represents.

Jupiter in Taurus won’t necessarily shower you with riches and abundance so don’t expect it or count on it happening. Everyone will be experiencing this transit and your personal circumstances and chart (and other transits) may have more to say on the subject. Your income may increase but your outgoings could also increase, and there could be more price rises and speculative bubbles that pop unexpectedly. Then again, maybe Jupiter will improve the situation and prices could go down for bit.

Whatever happens, you should be able to find opportunities to improve your wealth, not just in money and resources, but also your inner or spiritual wealth. You may want to share more of your wealth, whether material or emotional and spiritual, and use your resources to improve your life as well as the lives of others.

Just remember that more doesn’t necessarily mean better. This is particularly relevant for Taurus’ favourite pastime: food. You may want to indulge in the pleasures of the senses and enjoy eating good food and drink, as well as appreciate beauty and the arts. But you may also lack discipline and could become self-indulgent and greedy, overspending on luxuries or things you don’t really need.

Overeating and/or drinking could lead to weight gain, depending on the house position and aspects to your chart. Other health issues to watch for include diabetes, liver disorders, and problems with the throat, tonsils, neck and ears. To avoid these problems, focus on quality rather than quantity and take the opportunity to improve your diet by eating quality food.

Regardless what happens with your finances, Jupiter in Taurus is the perfect time to practice gratitude for what you have and notice the blessings and gifts that life gives. Remember that there are many kinds of wealth and even if you’re struggling you can find abundance in other ways. You may find this post by Ivy at Circle Thrice inspiring: Shoring up Wealth in Difficult Times.

In Son of Man, Andrew Harvey talks about the connection between abundance and feasting and the celebration of life as described in the parable of the Prodigal Son. He explains that:

“Jesus makes clear that reality is a banquet to which everyone is always invited – a wedding banquet at which the marriage between the spirit and matter, earth and heaven…is always continually being celebrated in a blaze of divine beauty and glory.”

He also says that “this Kingdom of feast is open, without exception, to everyone”, and that in the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says:

“If you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty.”

In other words, poverty is a condition of ignorance or being cut off from your divine identity. Abundance is the recognition of your true identity in Christ, or Buddha nature and bodhicitta if you’re a Buddhist. Obviously, this has nothing to do with how much money you have in the bank!

Jupiter in Taurus may also inspire you to slow down and get back in touch with your body and discover the wisdom that comes from a simple approach to life. Take the time to appreciate the feel of the sun, wind and rain on your skin, smell the flowers, feel your feet on the earth and recognise that you are here. You can commune with nature and have faith that the natural world will take care of you if you take care of it.

You can also benefit from a spiritual practice that’s simple and direct and grounded in practical reality, perhaps using massage and other body practices such as yoga and chi kung. A practical philosophy, such as Buddhism, may also help to keep you present and bring inner peace and healing – remember, Buddha was a Taurus!

Finally, you may benefit from taking time out to do nothing – to relax and simply be. As Winnie the Pooh (via A.A. Milne) explains in the House at Pooh Corner:

“It means just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

A.A. Milne had Jupiter in Taurus, of course!

To get a feel for how Jupiter in Taurus may work, we can look back to what happened during previous transits.

The last time was from 4th June 2011 to 12th June 2012 during the Great Recession that followed the Credit Crunch in 2008. The European sovereign debt crisis saw interest rates for government bonds rise sharply in 2011, especially in Greece, while other countries benefited from zero or negative interest rates. In February 2012, Greece received an enormous IMF bailout of 130 billion Euros, but the price was massive austerity for the people.

Meanwhile, others were doing well and a version of The Scream by Edvard Munch sold for $120 million in New York, setting a new world record for the highest price paid at auction for a work of art. In the world of food, a new craze began for food containing gold flakes, including a Long Clawson stilton that cost £60 for 100g.

The time before that was from 28th June to 23rd October 1999 and 14th February to 30th June 2000 during the Dotcom bubble that pushed the NASDAQ to an all-time high in March 2000 just before the bubble burst over the following months. Greece was also in trouble when the stock market crashed in September 1999 after a record peak. Meanwhile, gourmet cupcakes became a thing in 2000 after an episode of Sex in the City.

To see how Jupiter in Taurus might work for you, look back to these times for clues. For example, Taurus is in my 3rd house and during the 1999–2000 transit I finally managed to get a full-time job which improved my income. During the 2011–12 transit I was back on the dole having lost my job in March 2011 thanks to the Tory austerity measures in the UK.

I received redundancy pay when Jupiter was still in Aries in my 2nd house, providing a nice boost to my income. As Jupiter entered Taurus and my 3rd house, most of it went on rent as I searched for, and failed to get, a new job. But the money kept me afloat and gave me the opportunity to do lots of writing as I learned my craft and finished my first novel.

Check the possibilities for you here: Jupiter Transits in the Houses

When Jupiter enters Taurus, he’ll square Pluto in Aquarius on 18th May and form a T-square with Mars when he enters Leo on 20th May and opposes Pluto. Jupiter will also conjunct the north node in Taurus on 2nd June turning the T-square into a Grand Cross with the nodes. This tense configuration will intensify feelings and create power struggles but it can empower you to make productive changes if you can channel the energy into transformative action. It may also increase aggression, manipulation and destructive or risky behaviour especially in those prone to Jupiterian exaggeration and arrogance.

Jupiter will also join Uranus in Taurus and they move towards a conjunction that becomes exact on 21st April 2024 at 21°49’ Taurus. They reach an 8-degree orb by September 2023 but then move away again into the end of the year, returning into orb in 2024. Jupiter Uranus alignments mark a time of breakthroughs and awakenings in many areas, including revolutions in science, politics, new technology and creative ideas, and a greater desire for freedom. More here: Jupiter Uranus Cycle: Archetypes and History

Further Reading:

Image: Pooh

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8 thoughts on “Jupiter in Taurus: expansion of abundance and pleasure

      1. I don’t know what an ephemeris is…tried looking it up…that aspect of astrology is too complicated for me. Good news about the 4th house though, since I’m finally moving back HOME (cross country move) and that will, hopefully, greatly improve so much in my life. Thanks.


        1. That’s good news .. because of the 4th house and those issues are what I’m working with now… thanks 👍🙏. I’m moving home for the stability and connection to place, culture, and food. Scary and exciting 😲.

          Liked by 1 person


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