
Uranus Transits to Saturn

When Uranus transits natal Saturn your need for freedom and change influences the structures and limitations of your life. Uranus speeds things up and disrupts old patterns and represents your need for independence and change in this area. When Uranus transits natal Saturn you may experience surprises and disruption to your work and social status… Continue reading Uranus Transits to Saturn

Film & TV

The Living and the Dead – “You will reap what you sow”

An excellent example of the Saturn archetype can be found in the six-part BBC series The Living and the Dead. It’s a supernatural thriller structured around a love story set during the Victorian era in rural Somerset. The haunting music is based on old folk songs which adds to the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere. There… Continue reading The Living and the Dead – “You will reap what you sow”

Astro Journal · Mythology

Planet Myths: The Story Behind Saturn

Saturn represents your need for structure, limitation and security. As the reality principle, it stands for the workings of karma and necessity. It keeps you grounded in the material world through your relationship to time and the facts of existence, suffering, old age and death. In the past, Saturn was known as the Greater Malefic… Continue reading Planet Myths: The Story Behind Saturn


Saturn Transits: 12th House

When Saturn transits the Twelfth House the need for security and achievement influences how you deal with the subconscious and spiritual realms. This transit marks an important transition in your life where you’ll prepare for the rebirth that will come when Saturn crosses the ascendant and enters your 1st house. But first you must undergo… Continue reading Saturn Transits: 12th House


Saturn Transits: 9th House

When Saturn transits the Ninth House the need for security and achievement influences how you search for meaning, truth and self-development. Now is the time to build a working philosophy of life based on your experience, particularly what you’ve been through since Saturn crossed the descendent and entered your 7th house. When Saturn transits the… Continue reading Saturn Transits: 9th House


Saturn Transits: 8th House

When Saturn transits the Eighth House the need for security and achievement influences how you use your power and others’ resources. This can be an extreme and painful transit where the testing of your self-knowledge will work itself out through any or all of these areas: financial, sexual, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. When Saturn transits… Continue reading Saturn Transits: 8th House


Saturn Transits: 7th House

When Saturn transits the Seventh House the need for security and achievement influences your one-to-one relationships. The descendant (cusp of the 7th house) is the point of awareness of others and when Saturn enters this house all the self-discovery of the previous six houses will be tested in the social arena. When Saturn enters the… Continue reading Saturn Transits: 7th House


Saturn Transits: 5th House

When Saturn transits the Fifth House the need for security and achievement influences your creativity and self-expression. This transit continues the process of developing self-awareness and encourages you to take responsibility for yourself as a creative person. It can manifest in various ways but will work itself out through the areas of love, romance, and… Continue reading Saturn Transits: 5th House