
Part of Fortune in 5th House

POF 5thThe Part of Fortune in the houses shows the areas of life experience where you can find joy. With the Part of Fortune in 5th house you achieve happiness and success through creative self-expression.

You have an abundance of creative energy that you need to express and will feel the greatest joy when you’re creating something. You might have a specific talent for art, drama, literature, theatre, music, or invention, or just have a playful approach to life. Whatever you do, you can bring your dreams into reality.

You are adventurous and need to put yourself wholeheartedly into everything that you do. You also need to receive appreciation and recognition for your gifts. Happiness comes from putting your creative energies into your passions and then sharing them with others. They benefit from your gifts because you can process their dreams and turn them into something inspirational. You can tap into universal dreams and give them expression.

You may also be lucky in the areas of gambling, sports and children.

The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you approach this area impersonally it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite point here is the 11th house so you can draw upon universal ideals in order to create. However, if these ideals are influenced by others who might not be as inspired as you, then your creativity will suffer. Avoid the lowest common denominator and be careful which dreams you choose to create.

Friends can also inspire you and can help to trigger your best work. But you also need to be careful who you choose as friends because they can either inspire or bring you down. Take a more impersonal approach to friendship and learn to see your dreams as universal symbols and this will stop your creative energy from being wasted.

5th House Pot of Gold

You’ll find joy by playfully seeking inspiration and giving original expression to your passions. Creativity is the key to your happiness.

  • Cultivate all forms of creative self-expression.
  • Don’t waste time daydreaming – get on and create something.
  • Allow time for play.
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Browse: Part of Fortune in Signs


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